Conference Name (dcterms:title)
The 2nd International Conference on Industrial and Systems Engineering, Technology, Innovation, and Management
Conference Acronym (dcterms:alternative)
Conference Date (dcterms:dateSubmitted)
September 24-25, 2024
Proceedings Title (foaf:title)
Book of abstract conference proceeding the 2nd International Conference on Industrial and Systems Engineering, Technology, Innovation, and Management (2nd ICISETIM)
Conference Title (bibo:shortTitle)
The 2nd International Conference on Industrial and Systems Engineering, Technology, Innovation, and Management (2nd ICISETIM)
Abstract (dcterms:abstract)
2nd ICISETIM is organized by Bachelor Program in Industrial Engineering, Universitas Kristen Maranatha and Research Synergy Foundation. The conference devoted to various spectrums of System Engineering, Technology, Innovation, Management, etc.) for hybrid presentation in Bali, Indonesia and virtual through Zoom.
The general objective of the conference is to provide a platform and stimulate discussions on issues surrounding Big Data and Cloud Computing Application, E-Business / Information Technology, Entrepreneurship, Enterprise Resource Planning, Ergonomics / Human Factor, etc.
Moreover, this scientific forum also provides grand networking and knowledge sharing environment.
Publisher Name (dcterms:publisher)
Yayasan Sinergi Riset dan Edukasi
Publicantion Date Print (dcterms:date)
Publication Date Online (dcterms:dateAccepted)
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