The 5th International Conference on Islamic Epistemology


Conference Name (dcterms:title)
The 5th International Conference on Islamic Epistemology
Conference Acronym (dcterms:alternative)
5th ICIE
Conference Date (dcterms:dateSubmitted)
23-24 October 2024
Proceedings Title (foaf:title)
Book of abstract conference proceeding The 5th International Conference on Islamic Epistemology (5th ICIE)
Conference Title (bibo:shortTitle)
The 5th International Conference on Islamic Epistemology (5th ICIE)
Abstract (dcterms:abstract)
The 5th ICIE Conference is organized by Universitas Al-Azhar Indonesia, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Ambon, and Research Synergy Foundation. Co-Hosted by International Institute of Islamic Thought, and Universitas Islam As-Syafi'iyah.

The conference aims to provide a platform for scholars, researchers, and practitioners worldwide to explore, discuss, and advance the understanding of Islamic epistemology. Finding the alignment of the message of the Qur’anic revelation with the findings of modern science theory. Distributing knowledge and results of the development of scientific theoretical findings in various disciplines that are in line with the Islamic scientific mind set. Finding the Relevance of the Maqasid Syariah and Integration of Knowledge to revive Islamic Civilization.
Publisher Name (dcterms:publisher)
Yayasan Sinergi Riset dan Edukasi
Publicantion Date Print (dcterms:date)
Publication Date Online (dcterms:dateAccepted)
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