Conference Name (dcterms:title)
The International Halal Science and Technology Conference 2024 (IHSATEC): 17th Halal Science Industry and Business (HASIB)
Conference Acronym (dcterms:alternative)
IHSATEC 2024: 17th HASIB
Conference Date (dcterms:dateSubmitted)
December 19-20, 2024
Proceedings Title (foaf:title)
Developing an Assertive Halal Governance Framework for Internal Halal Committee Board in Halal Industry
presented at (bibo:presentedAt)
The International Halal Science and Technology Conference 2024 (IHSATEC): 17th Halal Science Industry and Business (HASIB)
Poster Author(S) (bibo:authorList)
Nor Surilawana Sulaiman
Conference Title (bibo:shortTitle)
Abstract (dcterms:abstract)
Developing an Assertive Halal Governance Framework for Internal Halal Committee Board in Halal Industry
| Nor Surilawana Sulaiman
Halalan Thayyiban Research Centre, Universiti Islam Sultan Sharif Aliu
Background – The halal certificate holder is responsible for any abuse or fraudulent use of the certificate subject to the law. However, despite having the standards, guidelines, regulations, and policies, a few businessmen were still found guilty. All those halal issues exist because the parties who deal with anything under the so-called halal have a lack of understanding of halal concepts, principles, and guidelines in executing certain matters diligently and faithfully.
Purpose – Therefore, this article aims to develop the Halal Governance Framework (HGF) for the Internal Halal Committee (IHC), which is crucial to ensuring that products and processes comply with Islamic dietary laws and principles.
Design/methodology/approach – The method applied in this study is the qualitative method by reviewing the pertinent documents to understand more halal governance. The study will also conduct interviews with a few halal supervisors of restaurants in order to gain an understanding of their roles and responsibilities. The data collected from the interview will be analysed using thematic analysis.
Findings – The findings show that most halal supervisors know and understand their roles and responsibilities in ensuring halal integrity. However, by establishing clear roles and responsibilities within the internal Halal committee, organisations can better navigate the complexities of Halal certification and ensure adherence to both regulatory and ethical standards. Hence, the development of HGF is crucial.
Research limitations – The research conducted was limited to Brunei, particularly Tutong district. However, the findings could be applied to any halal industry around the world. Moreover, the study also has methodological gaps where it only applied qualitative study of reviewing pertinent studies and interviewing a few halal supervisors. For future studies, the researcher should apply quantitative studies to get a better understanding of the roles and responsibilities of halal supervisors or internal halal committees, not just in restaurants, perhaps all the span of the halal industry, and also get interview sessions with authorities regarding the development of HGF.
Originality/value – Undeniably, the HGF is essential for fostering a sustainable Halal industry that meets the needs of consumers while upholding Islamic values. Furthermore, research on halal supervisors is scarce, specifically in Brunei. Hence, this study might provide valuable findings and insight.
Keywords: Halal, Halal Governance, Internal Halal Committee, Roles and Responsibilities
Publisher Name (dcterms:publisher)
Yayasan Sinergi Riset dan Edukasi
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