Conference Name (dcterms:title)
The International Halal Science and Technology Conference 2024 (IHSATEC): 17th Halal Science Industry and Business (HASIB)
Conference Acronym (dcterms:alternative)
IHSATEC 2024: 17th HASIB
Conference Date (dcterms:dateSubmitted)
December 19-20, 2024
Proceedings Title (foaf:title)
Evaluation of the Effect of Extraction Method on Chemical Composition and Antioxidant Activity of the Lime Essential Oil
presented at (bibo:presentedAt)
The International Halal Science and Technology Conference 2024 (IHSATEC): 17th Halal Science Industry and Business (HASIB)
Poster Author(S) (bibo:authorList)
Ketsaree Klinsukhon, Udomlak Sukatta*, Prapassorn Rugthaworn, Surisa Sakayaroj, Nutthaporn Presunthiah, Apisara Bungarat, Pilanee Vaithanomsat, Jaruporn Rakmai
Conference Title (bibo:shortTitle)
The International Halal Science and Technology Conference 2024 (IHSATEC): 17th Halal Science Industry and Business (HASIB)
Abstract (dcterms:abstract)
Evaluation of the effect of extraction method on chemical composition and antioxidant activity of the lime essential oil
| Ketsaree Klinsukhon, Udomlak Sukatta*, Prapassorn Rugthaworn, Surisa Sakayaroj, Nutthaporn Presunthiah, Apisara Bungarat, Pilanee Vaithanomsat, Jaruporn Rakmai
Kasetsart Agricultural and Agro-Industrial Product Improvement Institute, Kasetsart Agricultural and Agro-Industrial Product Improvement Institute, Kasetsart Agricultural and Agro-Industrial Product Improvement Institute, Kasetsart Agricultural and Agro-Industrial Product Improvement Institute, Kasetsart Agricultural and Agro-Industrial Product Improvement Institute, Kasetsart Agricultural and Agro-Industrial Product Improvement Institute, Kasetsart Agricultural and Agro-Industrial Product Improvement Institute, Kasetsart Agricultural and Agro-Industrial Product Improvement Institute
Background – Lime Citrus aurantifolia (Christm. et Panz.) Swing is gaining increasing recognition for its economic and medicinal value. Lime peels, often regarded as waste, constitute approximately 20% of the raw processed fruit and represent a potential source of valuable by-products. The essential oils extracted from lime peels are widely utilized in the perfume, beverage, and food industries, as well as for medicinal purposes, due to their antioxidant properties, which are primarily attributed to compounds such as terpenes.
Purpose – This research aims to determine the efficacy of various extraction techniques (WS, SFE, ME) on lime peel essential oils and their antioxidant properties.
Design/methodology/approach – In this study the effect of extraction methods on chemical and antioxidant activity of lime peel oil was investigated. The essential oil from lime peels was extracted using three different methods, including water and steam distillation (WS), supercritical CO2 extraction (SFE) and microwave extraction (ME). The chemical composition of the extracted essential oils was analyzed using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) with a DB-5MS column. The antioxidant activity of the essential oils and their main components: limonene, β-pinene, and γ-terpinene were evaluated using 2,2-diphenyl-1 picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) assay and 2,2-azinobis (3 ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid (ABTS) assay.
Findings – The highest oil yield was obtained from SFE (3.03±0.48%) followed by WS (1.21±0.05%) and ME (0.45±0.12%), respectively. The major components of the lime essential oils from all extraction methods were similar, with D-Limonene, γ-terpinene, and β-pinene being the main identified compounds. D-limonene is the dominant compound with concentrations of 43.55±0.76%, 42.74±0.37%, and 33.06±1.49% in WS, SFE, and ME, respectively. The essential oil obtained by SFE exhibited the highest activity in both DPPH and ABTS (IC50 of 8.45±0.19 mg/ml and 133.82±0.61 mg/ml, respectively) followed by essential oil obtained by ME and WS. followed by essential oil obtained by ME and WS. The compound γ-terpinene significantly contributed to antioxidant activity, showing IC50 values of 42.20±3.04 and 205.27±1.48 mg/ml in the DPPH and ABTS assays, respectively.
Research limitations – Lime peels from Citrus aurantifolia were extracted using various methods (WS, SFE, ME) to assess their antioxidant properties. Other lime varieties may exhibit different chemical compositions and antioxidant properties.
Originality/value – This study may lead to more efficient and sustainable lime peel oil extraction.
Keywords: Lime oil, antioxidant, DPPH, ABTS, and GC-MS
Publisher Name (dcterms:publisher)
Yayasan Sinergi Riset dan Edukasi
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